Recently, I have read an article of things to consider before you buy led bulbs - 'Five things to consider before buying LED bulbs'. I guess a lot of people may already realize how LED bulbs can save you money in terms of how it can pay you back in few years and even few month in some special circumstances. But maybe not many people know that Convertible bulbs could also help you to save and also good for the environment.
The convertible globe is a smart and cost-effective light bulb. At the end of the convertible globe's life, simply replace the small halogen lamp component inside, rather than the entire bulb. Different wattage halogen lamps can also be used inside the same globe, and these can be readily purchased from the hardware store.
The convertible globes are perfect for commercial applications, where large numbers of globes are being used. There is also less impact on the environment due to less wastage.
Clever, stylish and priced to fit every budget, the convertible bulb is an eco-friendly product that creates minimal waste. Incredibly versatile, it’s compatible with any Australian light socket, and if you ever feel like a change of scene - simply switch to a different cover. The convertible globe is a smart and cost-effective light bulb.
- A revolutionary design concept
- Up to 2000 hrs rated average life
- Bori-silica crystal glass & ceramic bases
- Competitive price
- Decorative glass covers
- Environmentally friendly by reducing glass waste
- Overall reduction in replacement cost
To sum up, convertible globes can help you save and less impact on the environment. It can fit in Restaurants, Hotels, Dining, Bed and Sitting rooms and similar applications. So before you make the decision to buy LED bulbs, you could also think about these lovely convertible globes.
How Convertible Bulbs Could Help You Save?